Президент Казахстана утвердил закон, который предоставляет Туркестану особый статус.

Документ утверждает уникальное положение города в качестве историко-культурного, духовного и туристического центра страны, сообщает ИА со ссылкой на Акорду.
Президент Казахстана утвердил закон, который предоставляет Туркестану особый статус.

The head of state has signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Special Status of the City of Turkestan," aimed at preserving historical and cultural heritage, promoting tourism, and regulating urban development policies in the region.

Key provisions of the law

Protection of historical and cultural heritage:

  • Protection of the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and other monuments,
  • Regulation of archaeological and restoration work,
  • Establishment of an archaeological reserve,
  • Revival of traditional crafts.

Construction restrictions

  • Prohibition on construction in protected areas,
  • Height and style limitations for buildings,
  • Implementation of a unified architectural design code.

Creation of a comfortable urban environment

  • Accessible infrastructure for people with disabilities,
  • Development of inclusive tourism,
  • Government support for artisans,
  • Regulation of transit transport.

Expansion of local authorities' powers

  • Strengthening the role of the akimat and maslikhat in city management,
  • Oversight of infrastructure development and preservation of historical identity.

The adoption of the law will ensure balanced development of Turkestan, combining the preservation of its historical character with tourism growth and improved quality of life.

The text of the Law will be published in print media.