Концерт, посвященный 180-летию Абая Кунанбаева, пройдет в «Астана Опера».

В связи с 180-летием Абая Кунанбаева в «Астана Опера» состоится концерт «Ұйықтап жатқан жүректі ән оятар», который пройдет 2 марта в Камерном зале имени К. Байсеитовой, сообщает ИА со ссылкой на пресс-службу театра.
Концерт, посвященный 180-летию Абая Кунанбаева, пройдет в «Астана Опера».

The concert is organized by the People's Artist of Kazakhstan, Shakhimardan Abilov, who is also the creative force behind the event. Performers will include international competition laureates Nursultan Anuarbek and Sara Sadygulova, along with Raushan Beskembirova on piano.

The program features a cycle of romances by Yerkegali Rakhmadiyev based on the verses of Abai, which will be performed for the first time. This piece marks a significant milestone in the history of Kazakh classical music, as it is the first vocal cycle consisting of 7 romances inspired by the great poet's poetry. Additionally, works by other composers who created music based on Abai's verses will be performed, including Nagim Mendygaliev, Sydyk Mukhamadzhanov, Mansur Sagatov, and Evgeny Brusilovsky.

The concert will kick off a series of events dedicated to the anniversary of Abai. It starts at 18:00.