The film was awarded as the best international feature film and won in the category of Best Debut Filmmaker of Feature Film. Notably, the film showcased five female debuts: producer Aliya Sharipbaeva, screenwriter Zhanna Timofeeva, production designer Elena Aitova, actress Lydia Yartseva, and director Gulshat Smagulova.
Additionally, in December 2024, the film "Citizens of the Roof" was selected as a quarter-finalist in the prestigious Oniros Film Awards competition in New York.
It is worth mentioning that the film was produced with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Film Support Center.
"Citizens of the Roof" is a film about the friendship between two extraordinary individuals: a young man with a troubled past, Damir, and an autistic teenager, Kostya. The film addresses themes of social adaptation for people with special needs and the importance of inclusion.