You never imagined it: let's explore how to learn to see prophetic dreams.

KP.RU reviewer Arsyukhin tested the prophetic dream technique of John Donne.
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Dreams are sent from other dimensions where the future has already occurred.

Photo: Shutterstock.

You have a vivid dream, and you sit there wondering: will it come true? Or was it all in vain? If only I could learn to summon prophetic dreams. Well, you can!

In the 1920s, engineer and pilot John Dunn developed an intriguing method. He believed that dreams originate from other dimensions where the future has already taken place. Dunn's teachings influenced modern physics and had an even greater impact on 20th-century art. The great writer Jorge Luis Borges embraced his theory and invented a new type of prose, leading to literature and cinema in the 20th century that is spontaneous, non-linear, and whimsical, much like Gogol's "The Overcoat".

However, the method itself has been largely forgotten. Dunn promised that anyone could foresee the future. Apparently, not everyone succeeded. Did they not try hard enough? We have reproduced experiments from a century ago and are sharing the results.


John Dunn was a man who was extremely distant from mysticism. He only believed in science. Coming from a military family, he served as a simple soldier in the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902). He was discharged due to illness and went to work at a secret factory of the British Ministry of Defense, something akin to a research and development facility. He invented gliders and airplanes, creating a tail-less glider that resembled an arrow, thus etching his name in aviation history.

But mysticism found its way into his life. One night, Dunn was sleeping in a hotel. He dreamed that he was standing in the lobby of that very hotel, arguing with the porter about the time. The porter pointed to the wall clock, while Dunn checked his pocket watch, and their times didn't match. Then Dunn realized that his watch had stopped. In the dream, Dunn apologized, acknowledged that it was indeed half-past four in the morning, and immediately woke up.

It was half-past four in the morning. And his watch was stopped. Dunn didn't attach any significance to this "coincidence." But soon he found himself in another hotel (the engineer was always traveling for work) and suddenly remembered.

He was tossing and turning, the watch was far away on the table, facing away from the bed. He thought, what time is it? He didn't want to get out from under the covers. What if he lightly dozed off and could see where the hands were? Just like in that other hotel.

Dunn closed his eyes, slipped into a light doze, and immediately the clock floated up from the table, smoothly approached him, and hovered before his eyes. The hour hand was stuck at eight, the minute hand was wavering between 12 and 1, and the second hand was a formless blur.

“I felt that if I concentrated, I would wake up. So I decided to apply a technique used with the needle of a prismatic compass, bisecting the arc of its oscillations,” he wrote in his book “Experiment with Time.”

It worked. He began to track the range of the minute hand's oscillations, trying to pinpoint the middle – and it stopped at 2.5 minutes past nine. The engineer immediately woke up, grabbed his watch – it showed exactly 8 hours and 2.5 minutes. “I was backed against the wall. I concluded that I possessed some kind of mysterious gift of foresight,” Dunn wrote.

John Dunn developed an intriguing method

Photo: Wikipedia.


Yet, Dunn's rational nature couldn't accept the thought of being "so special." There must be a scientific explanation! And he set out to find one. Meanwhile, the strange dreams continued.

One day, he dreamed he was standing on an island, with a volcano smoking in the center, and it was clear it was about to erupt. Dunn runs to the commander, who is inexplicably French, and shouts:

- Monsieur, if we don't evacuate people immediately, 4,000 people will die!

Days passed. Dunn, now awake, reads a newspaper. It reports that on the island of Martinique, in the French colony, a volcano erupted, wiping the city of Saint-Pierre off the face of the Earth and claiming the lives of 4,000 people. Here’s a crucial point: the figure in the article was incorrect. It soon became clear that the number was much, much higher. And Dunn understood. In his dream, he hadn't seen the eruption itself. He had seen the content of the newspaper article. Hence the figure "4,000." But his brain had transformed the article into a "film." Similar to how a neural network creates videos based on descriptions today.

Thus, Dunn realized. In dreams, I do not travel across the Earth. My "soul" does not fly wherever it wants. Rather, I somehow learn information in advance that I will receive, but in the future.

Dozens of other instances confirmed this idea. For example, Dunn once dreamed that he was standing on a balcony, surrounded by fog, when something resembling a pole or stick approached him from the mist. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was the vertical jet of a fire truck.

A week later, Dunn read a vivid report about a fire at a factory. Workers were attempting to escape from the balcony. In the thick smoke, they mistook the jet from the fire hose for a cradle, thinking they were about to be evacuated.

Dunn set the newspaper down. He felt uneasy. It was as if someone was standing behind him while he read, and we were reading together. Then he rushed back in time and showed it to him in a dream!


Dunn moved away from airplanes, immersed himself in calculations, and ultimately devised a theory of parallel worlds (see Important), from which knowledge comes. He also developed a method for interpreting dreams that is simple and accessible to everyone. In fact, there are two methods. You can predict in dreams, or you can do it while awake.

When you go to sleep, grab a notebook and a pencil and keep them nearby. As soon as you wake up, grab your writing tools right in bed and jot down the remnants of your dream. Memories of dreams dissipate within minutes, so you need to hurry.

Time is of the essence, so first jot down the most important parts, simply labeling them with a single word like "important." For example, you dreamt you were walking through a forest at sunrise, with dew, hearing animals, and in the distance, the sound of the sea. Write: "forest, morning, sea."

Immediately after sketching the outline, decode the key words, for instance, "forest, morning, dew, pines, silence." If you read something in the dream or someone said something to you, write it down exactly while you remember. You should do this every morning.

It's convenient to leave the right side of the notebook blank. On the left, describe the dream. On the right, note what and how it "came true."

Dunn assures that within a few days, you will encounter the images you recorded in one way or another. Either you will go to the forest, or you will see it on television. You might read about it. But there's a caveat. In dreams, images from the past and future intertwine in strange ways. Perhaps the forest is from the past, while the sound of the sea is from the future. You walk into an appliance store, and there they show an air conditioner that sounds like distant waves.

According to Dunn, it should come true within a week at most. Our "dream television" isn't very far-sighted.

Your experience is crucial. After practicing this simple exercise for about six months, you will start accurately guessing elements of the future. At the very least, you will know for sure whether the dream was "empty" (i.e., about the past) or "prophetic" (about the future), Dunn claimed.

He began to teach his method to his friends, and everyone succeeded. Dunn wrote that he personally consulted hundreds of people.


Wouldn't it be great to learn how to summon prophetic dreams?

Photo: Shutterstock.


The method of "prophecies while awake" is perhaps even more intriguing.

Dunn suggests developing clairvoyance this way. Take a book you haven't read yet. Without opening it, examine the cover. Set it aside. Sit in a chair. Focus on the book