A scientist discussed the benefits of a new species of flies, dubbed "biological weapons."

Scientists have discovered a new species of flies that will help protect the Rostov region from pests.
Ученый объяснил преимущества нового вида мух, которые называют «биологическим оружием».

Scientists have discovered a new species by chance.

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN. Go to the Photo Bank of KP

Researchers at the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology of the Southern Federal University have identified a new species of parasitic flies known as humpbacked flies. These insects have already been dubbed "biological weapons" against pest ants. Dmitry Shevchenko, a student from the Department of Zoology at the Southern Federal University, discussed their ecological significance and benefits for humans during a broadcast on radio "KP-Rostov-on-Don".

Previously, it was reported by SFU that the new species was discovered accidentally while scientists were collecting Camponotus vagus ants in the vicinity of Rostov. Some of the insects were found to be infected with unknown parasites. Researchers identified these as the humpbacked flies Microselia rossica (Phoridae).

Humpbacked flies Microselia rossica (Phoridae). Photo: Southern Federal University.

Dmitry Shevchenko explains that these flies inhabit Italy, Portugal, and France. They had not been previously found in Eastern Europe.

— However, the significance lies not only in the fact that a new species was discovered. We observed how exactly the humpbacked flies infect the ants. Essentially, we tracked the entire life cycle of these parasitoids. This provides new insights into their biology, ecology, and interactions with their hosts — the ants, — says the young scientist.

According to him, the new species of flies is not dangerous as it only parasitizes the Camponotus vagus ants, or in other words, wood ants. On the contrary, this new species could be beneficial for humans. The humpbacked flies Microselia rossica serve as a natural regulator of the population of Camponotus vagus ants.

Humpbacked flies parasitize on worker ants.

Photo: Alexey BULATOV. Go to the Photo Bank of KP

— Wood ants have adapted well to living near humans and can settle in wooden structures. They often create chambers inside the wood, thereby causing damage to the structure. We can release the flies in areas where ants are abundant.