Cradled by eternal permafrost: Unique remains of a one-year-old mammoth calf have been discovered in Yakutia.

Well-preserved remains of a baby mammoth named Yana, dating back 50,000 years, have been discovered in Yakutia.
В Якутии найден уникальный годовалый мамонтенок, сохранившийся благодаря вечной мерзлоте.

The head, ears, trunk, and mouth are practically undamaged. Photo: SVFU Yakutia.

In Yakutia, unique remains of a baby mammoth have been presented. This is the seventh such discovery of global significance. Up until now, six baby mammoth remains have been found. More details can be found in the article by “Komsomolskaya Pravda - Yakutia”.


Scientists from the North-Eastern Federal University have enthusiastically shared a sensational find with us - the remains of a baby mammoth that have been preserved in excellent condition. Remarkably, there are no visible damages on the head, ears, trunk, or mouth of the animal. The front part of this ancient inhabitant of Yakutia is almost undistorted, which can truly be considered a miracle.


The scientists presented the unique find on December 23, 2024.

Specialists discovered the remains of the baby mammoth in the summer of the current year at the SVFU scientific station “Batagayka,” located in the Verkhoyansk district. Immediately after the discovery, the remains were sent for examination to determine their age. Radiocarbon analysis revealed that the baby mammoth was born over 50,000 years ago.

The first step taken by the scientists was to check for the presence of anthrax pathogens in the animal's DNA. After the results came back negative, the baby mammoth was handed over to the university museum.

Researchers who have long been studying mammoths determined that at the time of death, the baby mammoth, named Yana, was about one year old. Its height at the shoulder was 120 centimeters, and its body length was just under two meters.


The baby mammoth is 50,000 years old.

This discovery has become a significant breakthrough in the field of science. Scientists in Yakutia will gain new insights into the development of mammoths and will be able to study their adaptive features and paleoecological living conditions.

Currently, the baby mammoth is housed in the laboratory of the “Mammoth Museum” of the Research Institute of Applied Ecology of the North (NIIPES) at SVFU in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


The baby mammoth has been named Yana.

Scientists are diligently working on research related to this finding. They are confident that it will significantly advance Russian science and the North-Eastern Federal University on the global stage.


Scientists believe that this discovery will propel Russian science onto the world stage.

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