Natural disasters and the revival of Russian-American relations: the predictions of the "sleeping prophet" are coming true one after another.

KP.RU: The predictions of the "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce are starting to come true.
Природные катастрофы и восстановление отношений между Россией и США: предсказания «спящего пророка» сбываются одно за другим.

Prophets have always enjoyed frightening people with impending disasters.

Photo: Shutterstock.

Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945), an American healer and psychic, is considered one of the strangest predictors in human history. In the Western world, he is as well-known as Vanga is in the Slavic regions.

Cayce practiced dream predictions, earning the nickname "the sleeping prophet." He would close his eyes, naturally fall asleep, and ... prophesy. Surprisingly, his utterances were not incoherent like those of other sleep-talkers, but rather coherent – they were recorded by stenographers assigned to the "sleeping prophet." Upon waking, Cayce claimed he remembered nothing of what he had said – "read" it, as he put it.

There are over 10,000 recordings that are now preserved by the organization founded by Cayce, the "Association for Research and Enlightenment" (ARE). Experts claim that the accuracy of the predictions contained in these recordings approaches 100 percent. Vanga was right about 80 times out of 100.

What Happened

Cayce predicted the economic crisis of 1929, detailing catastrophic events on the stock exchanges. He is attributed with the words that many still repeat today: "America will pay for its extravagance."

The subsequent economic upturn in 1933 was also foreseen by Cayce.

The date of the start of World War II was named by the "sleeping prophet" in 1935. In August 1941, albeit not entirely accurately, he predicted its end: "peace will come between 1945 and 1946." When asked, "What will happen to Hitler?" Cayce replied succinctly: "Death." Prior to this, he had predicted the defeat of the Germans in the tank battle at Kursk.

Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping prophet," had prophetic dreams.

Months before his death, as the Red Army marched victoriously through Europe, Cayce predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union: "Before the end of the 20th century, communism will fall. The communists will lose power there."

Cayce also stated that Russia, freed from communism, would face a crisis. However, it would emerge successfully "thanks to the friendship with the people whose currency bears the inscription 'In God We Trust.'" It is easy to guess that the prophet was referring to the USA and its dollars, which indeed left an indelible mark on our post-communist history, along with "Bush's legs."

What Cayce specifically prophesied for us, sometimes referring to our country as the "brown bear," was: "From Russia, hope will come to the world. Not from communists, not from Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! Years will pass before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give hope to the world." And then "the nations and countries that maintain good relations with her will live better during the changes that will affect the entire world order."

Well, Russia is free now. Its religious development continues successfully. And those who had close ties with us have genuinely prospered, receiving cheap oil and gas.

Recently in the West, they have gone against Cayce's prophecy, when they could have continued to rely on Russia had they maintained good relations. Now they are paying the price – incurring multi-billion dollar expenses.

What Will Happen

The most important point: the "sleeping prophet" did not promise a Third World War. This seems to be true. Respectful telephone communications between the presidents of Russia and the USA and the initiation of negotiations are evidence of that.

However, alas, Cayce dreamed of something equally catastrophic as war – natural disasters.

Firstly, in the 1930s, when no one was yet concerned about climate change on the planet, Cayce predicted global warming: "Areas with cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical, and ferns will grow there."

The seer logically expected that the sea level would rise due to melting ice. As a result, parts of America would sink: "New York, Connecticut, and other areas on the East Coast ... will disappear from the face of the earth. The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico... Open waters will emerge in the northern regions of Greenland ..."

It is evident: the sea is encroaching on land. The world indeed faces a "Great Flood" – not biblical, of course, but as “predicted” by now authoritative climatologists, many coastal areas of the Earth will be submerged.

The intense melting of ice from Antarctica and Greenland will be accompanied by vigorous tectonic activity – volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis, modern scientists predict. And Cayce wrote long before them: "Volcanoes in Hawaii will awaken, and a wave will roll in so strong that the southern coast of California will disappear under water in three months... South America will shake from top to bottom… in Antarctica, near Tierra del Fuego, land will rise from the bottom and a strait with raging waters will appear."

By the way, one of the predictions came true with remarkable accuracy. "Fire will consume those shores," Cayce said about California. And, pardon, how prophetic: wildfires at the beginning of 2025, intensified by unprecedented heat and strong winds, destroyed property worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Almost as much as Ukraine extracted from the USA.

The prophet dreamed that Russia would be almost untouched by disasters. It would suffer less than other countries and lead the resurrecting civilization, centered in Western Siberia, where environmental conditions will be remarkably favorable. Both for living and for agriculture.

What Will Bring Peace to the Heart

Cayce foresaw that Russia would eventually strengthen its friendship with the USA: "...Everything will change in the relationship between the two countries in the financial and economic world. United on an equal basis, they will become or may become a force." This documented prophecy inspires hope for the revival of good relations between our countries.

The "sleeping prophet" hoped that in Russia "a great leader will arise who will be able to... elevate the Russian land to a high level."

It is worth recalling Vanga again here. Perhaps she hinted at the upcoming warming of both climate and international relations when she said in 1979: "Everything will melt like ice; only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia... It will sweep everything from its path and not only survive but become the ruler of the world."


Does prophetic gift exist?

Serious scholars began discussing prophets and prophecies back in 2010, when the highly respected scientific journal "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology" accepted a paper on... clairvoyance after many reviews, and published it in 2011. This was a form of acknowledgment that the phenomenon should not be dismissed as superstition. It should be studied.

In the article titled "Feeling the Future," psychologist Daryl Bem from Cornell University described his research that lasted 8 years. Ultimately, he concluded that people are capable of predicting the future, and that their present behavior is influenced by events that have yet to occur.

Many people possess prophetic gifts, albeit in a primitive form – proven in experiments.

Photo: Shutterstock.

In nine experiments, Bem involved over a thousand volunteers. He based his work on a well-known psychological methodology that confirms the existence of a phenomenon known as priming – which is less surprising than clairvoyance, but no less intriguing.

The essence of the methodology was simple. A pleasing image was shown to the subject. For instance, a colorful sunset. Or a green meadow with white goats. However, before showing the person the pleasant image, the researchers displayed a negatively charged word on the screen. For example, "disgust." Or worse.

Next, in the following series of experiments, pleasant images were preceded by "good" words, like "beauty," "delight," "joy."

The response of most volunteers: after bad words, they took much longer to acknowledge the pleasant image as pleasant. After good words, they took less time. This was priming. Or the so-called pre-setting – a phenomenon ultimately recognized by psychologists.

Daryl Bem essentially conducted reverse experiments. Volunteers were first shown images. They were also to emotionally evaluate them. Only after their evaluation did a word appear on the screen – either bad or good. It appeared randomly, without any connection to what was happening.

The subjects