A groundbreaking innovation has emerged from a high school project that’s taking the world by storm! These smart glasses, powered by cutting-edge AI, not only answer questions but also as...

A project by students from Atyrau has made it into the top 100 best innovations in the world.
Узнайте, как два школьника создали революционные очки с искусственным интеллектом, которые попали в топ-100 лучших проектов мира! Эти умные очки не только отвечают на вопросы, но и помога...

Open source

The "Smart Glasses" project, developed by 11th-grade students Haidar Atagul and Kairkhan Lukpanov from the Atyrau Lyceum "Bilim-Innovation," has made it into the top 100 best projects in the world. The project won the Jasscience-2024 competition and was included in the list of 100 Rise Global Winners 2024, one of the most prestigious programs globally," reported the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As a result, Haidar Atagul, one of the project's authors, received a unique opportunity to study for free at any university in the world.

"The glasses operate on the basis of the RikaAI artificial intelligence. It is an intuitive application that activates with a simple touch. It provides users with voice commands through headphones and allows interaction with the device. We used a 3D printer to create the material, while the camera, headphones, and microphone were ordered separately," said Haidar Atagul.

"The glasses perform four key functions. Firstly, they can answer questions similarly to ChatGPT or Wikipedia. Secondly, they scan and read text. Thirdly, the glasses signal obstacles while in motion, helping to prevent falls and injuries for individuals with visual impairments. Fourthly, the glasses can describe what is happening in the room. We plan to expand the device's functionality in the future," added Kairkhan Lukpanov.

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