In Nostradamus's prophecies, there are hints about the imminent end of the "long war."
For several days now, the Western press has been reproducing lines from Les Prophéties – the book of "prophecies by Michel Nostradamus, published in 1555:
“The long war has exhausted the entire army, so that they will not find money for the soldiers; instead of gold or silver, they will mint coins from leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon.”
(Through long war all the army exhausted,
so that they do not find money for the soldiers;
instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather,
Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon).
Anglo-Saxon interpreters assure that in this 25th quatrain of the VII Century, the medieval prophet specifically hinted at the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, referring to the year 2025.
The prophetic power of Nostradamus – a French astrologer, physician, pharmacist, and alchemist – is evidenced by his own words in the poem "Message to his son César":
“...I composed through long calculations the books of prophecies - 10 centuries. Each book contains 100 astronomical quatrains-predictions, which I then gathered together and encrypted. This is a continuous prophecy until the year 3797.”
For me, reading this "poetic work" is impossible – it's pure nonsense. Yet many are thrilled by it – they somehow see in each quatrain a prophecy related to our time. Although there is no methodology to determine which specific year is being referred to.
Most of Nostradamus's verses are convenient for explaining what has already happened. Among them, one can always find those that more or less fit various past events. Most "decoders" engage in such manipulation. However, there are still some who dare to relate specific quatrains to certain future periods.
So, the 25th Quatrain of the VII Century. According to interpreters, the "long war" (the Russo-Ukrainian conflict) has exhausted the Ukrainian army, whose soldiers can no longer be paid. In this context, they recall Trump – the new-old president of the USA, who threatens to stop providing financial assistance to Kyiv.
Left without support from across the ocean, Ukraine will begin printing its unbacked money (coins made of leather). For a time, there will still be inflows from Europe (Gallic brass is a hint towards France).
What the prophet meant by the "crescent sign of the Moon" is unclear. Most likely, Nostradamus was referring to Turkey. It may play some role in concluding the conflict, which interpreters believe will end in 2025. It seems they really want this. And it's also worth mentioning Trump again – with his determination to initiate peace talks. Starting with himself.
By the way, it is believed that the prophet foresaw the SVO, writing in the 95th Quatrain of the II Century: “Great disputes, to regain lands. There is no wisdom. Strife and fear for the great brothers.”
In the 66th Quatrain of the X Century, Nostradamus predicted the "appearance" of Zelensky to the Western world and specifically to Biden: “The King of London, ruling in America…will receive such a false Antichrist that it will lead everyone to confrontation.”
Lines from the 23rd Quatrain of the X Century supposedly indicated upcoming moves towards peace: “The ungrateful people will be warned. Then the army will capture Antibes. In the ark of Monecha, laments will be heard.” This may hint at an ultimatum to Ukraine, followed by its division.
Interpreters expected peace negotiations as early as 2023, believing that the 102nd Quatrain of the VIII Century indicated this: “Many will argue about peace with monarchs and powerful lords. But agreement will not be reached immediately. Until the monarchs become more obedient than others.”
Alas, someone erred with the timelines – most likely the decoders. Not Nostradamus, who in the 97th Quatrain of the I Century essentially confirmed the now-interpreted prophecy about the “lack of money for the army”: “What fire and iron could not finish, will be accomplished with soft words at the Council. The king dreamed of a respite, rest, and sleep.”
If we assume that Nostradamus indeed did not overlook the military actions between Russia and Ukraine, then in these prophecies, one can discern clear indications that an agreement will eventually be reached. Specifically in 2025.
In the 46th Quatrain of the III Century, the prophet wrote that reconciliation would be preceded by some “true sign” in the sky of some Plenkus. What kind of Plenkus this is, is unknown, but the sign seems to have already occurred: scientists have recorded an entirely anomalous northern light – in shades of gray and blue.
Nostradamus was a grim figure, generally predicting nothing bright, but sometimes even he had hopeful prophecies.