A "cocktail" cell injection could restore voice and hearing: Russia has developed a bioreactor for cultivating bones, ligaments, and tissues.

At Sechenov University, the first tissue bioreactor in Russia has been developed.
Инъекция клеточного "коктейля" восстановит голос и слух: в России разработан биореактор для производства костей, связок и тканей.

Photo: Shutterstock.

Researchers at Sechenov University have begun the production of personalized biomedical cellular products (BMCP) - the foundation for new treatment methods. These cellular products will aid in the restoration of vocal cords, eardrums, and nasal cavities.

What are biomedical cellular products?

BMCP is a unique “cocktail” of human cells along with additional components, such as medications. These medical products facilitate faster healing of wounds after injuries, illnesses, and surgeries. They are personalized medicines, tailored specifically for each individual. The inclusion of the patient’s own cells in the “cocktail” enhances the safety and effectiveness of the medical product compared to other treatment methods.

How does this work in practice?

1. Scientists create a “cocktail” of spheroids - small balls made from human stem cells in the laboratory. To produce these spheres, a small sample of adipose tissue is taken from the patient. Other tissues, such as bone marrow or blood, can also be used.

2. Medications are mixed into these spheres. Once the “cocktail” is injected into the targeted area, the spheres “burst,” releasing the medication along with stem cells and aiding in the healing of wounds without scarring. The biomedical “cocktail” can be administered through injections.

3. The entire process, from the doctor’s consultation to the injection of the “cocktail,” will take four to six weeks, primarily depending on how quickly the patient completes all necessary tests to determine any contraindications for the procedure.


According to Mikhail Svistushkin, a candidate of medical sciences and associate professor at the Department of Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases at Sechenov University, the use of biomedical cellular products will fundamentally change both the surgical process and its outcomes.

- Treatment with BMCP is less traumatic compared to traditional methods and allows not just for the closure of defects but for the restoration of tissues to nearly their original state, - says Mikhail Svistushkin.


BMCP for the restoration of vocal cords and eardrums have already been developed and are ready for application. These innovative products can eliminate scars on the vocal cords that occur after illnesses or injuries in the neck area. Such scars can lead to partial or complete loss of voice and may narrow the airway, making normal breathing difficult.

The eardrum often suffers after inflammatory processes in the ear, such as otitis. Tears or holes in the eardrum become vulnerable points for infections, potentially triggering exacerbations of chronic otitis. Pus can accumulate in the ear, which is both unpleasant and painful.

To test the effectiveness of the biomedical products, researchers used chinchillas, whose ear structures are similar to those of humans. A month after the experiment began, the eardrum of the chinchillas fully restored its integrity and began to conduct sound vibrations just like a healthy eardrum.


There are plans to create biomedical products for the restoration of defects in nasal cavities, including treatments for “empty nose syndrome,” which can occur after illnesses and head injuries, or following complex surgeries.

Additionally, scientists are working on developing BMCP for the restoration of tubular organs in the urinary tract.