He agrees with the opinion that the economic situation is not as dire as some so-called "experts" portray it.
"There is no point in throwing ashes on our heads. But we must not relax in any way. Yes, the economy is growing, at 4.8 percent. I mentioned at the government meeting that this is not enough for Kazakhstan."Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev
According to him, the government should seek new growth points.
"Here, of course, the role of the business community is quite significant. International financial organizations assess the level of public debt as 'low', noting its manageability. The debt management policy will be implemented strictly in accordance with established financial restrictions. By increasing revenue levels, a reduction in the budget deficit is expected, which will limit the increase in government borrowing. This will create additional opportunities for ensuring long-term economic growth."Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev
At the meeting, the head of state also instructed the government to further explore the issue of the value-added tax (VAT) rate. He stated that any innovations should be based on comprehensive analysis and a well-thought-out strategy. The President believes that various options should be considered, taking into account the specifics of different sectors of the economy.
Tokayev also emphasized that it is impossible to modernize the economy solely through budgetary infusions. In his opinion, the full participation of banks is necessary in this process.
In the concluding part, Tokayev noted that the state will always support conscientious entrepreneurs who invest in production and create permanent jobs.