Yerlan Karin: Due to the government's measures, there has been a significant decrease in cases of youth suicide.

A meeting focused on ensuring child safety and preventing offenses against minors was held in Akorda under the chairmanship of State Advisor Erlan Karin.
Ерлан Карин: Благодаря мерам, предпринятым государством, значительно уменьшилось количество случаев детского суицида.

The event was attended by the Minister of Education, representatives from the ministries of Science and Higher Education, Health, Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, Internal Affairs, the General Prosecutor's Office, structural divisions of the Presidential Administration, as well as the Commissioner for Children's Rights.

The State Counselor noted that the government is currently implementing a number of effective measures to protect children.

In particular, the staffing of school psychologists, social educators, and psychological support centers has been strengthened, and a QR code for the "111" service has been developed and is being implemented in educational institutions. The "Cyber Surveillance" system removes harmful internet content.

Yerlan Karin emphasized that as a result of the operational and strategic measures taken by the government last year, there has been a noticeable decrease in cases of child suicide.

In this regard, the State Counselor instructed to continue coordinating efforts in this area and to develop further actions to ensure the safety of children.