Yerlan Karin: What will stand out about the outgoing year in terms of domestic politics?

On December 31, the State Counselor of Kazakhstan, Erlan Karin, outlined the key aspects of Kazakhstan's domestic policy for 2024 in detail on his Telegram channel.
Ерлан Карин: Какой след оставит уходящий год в сфере внутренней политики?

Continuation of the Reform Course

The January interview with the head of state and the third session of the National Kurultai set the agenda and content for domestic political work throughout 2024.

Over the year, a comprehensive package of socially significant laws was developed and adopted. The institution of public petitions was launched. For the first time in the CIS and Central Asia, a referendum on nuclear power plants was held, with discussions becoming the longest electoral campaign. The elections of rural akims continued. Work began on organizing the fields of onomastics, monuments, heraldry, and state and public awards.

The progressive implementation of state initiatives in the socio-humanitarian sphere continued: the "National Fund – for Children" program, the national project "Comfortable Schools," a unified program for educational work in schools, new grants and internships for young scientists, and the enhancement of the status and prestige of working professions.

Responses to New Challenges

The government effectively addressed emerging challenges. The president's policies contributed to maintaining peace and harmony in our country, strengthening the sovereignty and security of Kazakhstan amid unprecedented international tensions.

In a short time, the consequences of large-scale flooding were eliminated, and the state provided comprehensive assistance to all affected. Systematic measures were adopted in the area of protecting the rights of women and children, as well as coordinating efforts to combat child suicides.

New Public Ethics

The process of crystallizing new societal values continued. The principles of justice, law, and order became key narratives not only for government bodies but for society as a whole.

Civil society actively participated in the presidential initiative "Taza Kazakhstan," as well as in combating domestic violence, aggression and vandalism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, and wastefulness.

The topic of behavioral norms and adherence to ethics increasingly entered the center of public discussions.

Development of Public Consolidation

Despite discussions around current issues, there remains a shared understanding and vision of future prospects between the authorities and society. According to a recent survey by KISI, 77.7% of citizens believe that Kazakhstan is moving in the right direction. Public support serves as a solid foundation for the continuation of reforms in the upcoming 2025 year.

The day before, on December 30, Karin commented on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on State Awards, Education, and Protection of Children's Rights."