In Astana, police rescued a 12-year-old girl who fainted on the street.

In Astana, police officers rescued a schoolgirl who was found unconscious on the street. Before the medical team arrived, the law enforcement personnel took emergency measures and provided first aid to the girl.
В Астане полицейские оказали помощь 12-летней девочке, которая упала в обморок на улице.

According to the press service of the Astana Police Department, senior lieutenants Nursultan Shayahemtov and Bakhtybay Kalzhanov noticed a crowd of children while on patrol. This raised their suspicions. As the officers approached, they discovered a girl lying on the ground.

"My partner was holding the girl while I was performing chest compressions and rubbing her arms. We were able to revive the child and placed her on her side as instructed by the paramedic, who guided us over the phone. After that, we handed the girl over to the medical team," - said the police officer.

The schoolgirl is currently in stable condition and is not in any danger.

It was previously reported that rescuers used a drone to locate a shepherd lost in the ZKO steppe.