In Almaty, a truck caught fire, but firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze in just five minutes.

On the night of January 15, a DAF truck cabin caught fire on Bakinskaya Street in the Turksib district, according to
В Алматы произошёл пожар в фуре: пожарные ликвидировали огонь за пять минут.

The fire was quickly contained within five minutes using a foam nozzle, reports the press service of the Emergency Situations Department of Almaty city.

Ten individuals participated in extinguishing the fire, utilizing two units of firefighting equipment from the SPCh-4 of the Turksib district.

"There are no casualties, and the cause is being investigated," the message from the Emergency Situations Department of Almaty states.

That same night, another traffic accident occurred in Almaty involving a different vehicle.