A three-year-old boy tragically passed away after falling from a chair and accidentally stabbing his eye with a knife in Petropavlovsk.

In Petropavlovsk, a three-year-old child could not be saved after accidentally impaling his eye on a knife when he fell from a chair.
В Петропавловске трагически погиб трехлетний мальчик, упав со стула и повредив глаз ножом.

The accident occurred on December 19, 2025. The boy remained in the hospital during this time, but the medical staff was unable to bring him back to life.

"The child passed away in the intensive care unit. He was admitted to the multidisciplinary children's regional hospital on December 19, 2024, in extremely critical, agonal condition with a wound to the left eye socket," the press service of the Health Department of the SKO reported.

Earlier, the boy's mother recounted that her son fell off a chair in the kitchen. When she removed the knife from his eye, the child began to lose consciousness.

In the hospital, resuscitation efforts were immediately initiated for the little boy, which were successful. The doctors managed to restore his cardiopulmonary function, but then the boy fell into a coma and, remaining in it, passed away a little over two months later.