Residents are concerned about packs of animals roaming freely on the streets, posing a threat to both children and adults, reports the Telegram channel Atyrau Online. They are particularly dangerous early in the morning when it is still dark, as well as in the evenings when schoolchildren return home after classes.
According to parents of schoolchildren, they are worried about the situation and feel compelled to escort their children to and from school to avoid potential attacks.
"We are afraid to let our children go out alone. The number of dogs is increasing, and they are behaving aggressively. It is especially frightening early in the morning and late in the evening," one city resident shared.
The local administration has announced that the capture of dogs has been temporarily suspended. The reasons for this pause and the timeline for resuming operations have not been specified.
"The issue of stray animals in Atyrau is not a new one. Previous attempts were made to organize systematic capture and to build shelters for animals, but the situation remains unresolved," the Telegram channel Atyrau Online states.
In the village of Mangistau region, a dog attacked a teenager right near the school.