A first grader passed away on the way to school in Aktobe. The child's father shared details about the tragic incident.

The father of the boy who died in Aktobe shared that the first grader passed away due to extreme fright.
В Актобе первоклассник скончался по дороге в школу. Отец ребенка поделился подробностями трагического инцидента.

In an interview with Astana TV, he confirmed the account that a stray dog jumped on the child.

"Yes, there was a dog. A ginger shepherd. It jumped on my son, he was very scared and lost consciousness. His heart couldn't take it. After that, the dog was captured and taken away," the father of the deceased child stated.

It was previously reported that the first grader died on the way to school in Aktobe. The boy went outside and collapsed unconscious in the yard of the house. He could not be saved.