On the evening of February 28, while at a beer bar near the central market, a man had consumed quite a bit of alcohol. During a check, police officers noticed he was inebriated and took him to the central hospital for a medical examination.
Rather than calmly undergoing the procedure, he began shouting insults at the police officer, degrading his honor and dignity. The video recording captured the offensive remarks made by the accused.
Prior to this incident, this individual had already faced criminal charges for theft. Now, the court found him guilty under part 1 of Article 378 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Insulting a representative of the authorities while performing official duties or in connection with their performance."
As punishment, the man is required to pay a fine of 30 MRP (91,890 tenge).
It was previously reported that a scandal arose in Temirtau between a municipal enterprise and a contractor.