Back in mid-December of last year, she reached out to the administration of the local Telegram channel ABAY NEWS regarding an issue. According to her, the well is located right next to the supermarket and poses a direct threat to its many visitors.
Following a request from the Telegram channel ABAY NEWS, the city akimat responded to the complaint by hastily covering the well with remnants of a cardboard door, without any barriers or warning tape, and quickly reported on the work done.
"The GTS well located at Karagayly 28 has been covered," – informed the city authorities.
However, on January 10, the same resident of Semey shared a photo of that same sewer manhole again. The previous "patch" did not hold up and has deteriorated even further. Therefore, the well remains open and continues to pose a danger to the lives of the citizens.
"Be careful, there is no lighting in this area," – warns the administration of the Telegram channel.
Meanwhile, in the LLP "Energosistema" of the Aktobe region, they reported on what happened at the transformer substation where a man died on December 31.