Residents of the Kyzylorda region were caught transporting 19 saiga antelopes and illegal weapons in their vehicle.

Four residents of the Kyzylorda region were apprehended with 19 saiga carcasses.
В автомобиле жителей Кызылординской области обнаружили 19 туш сайгаков и незаконное оружие.

Officers from the Aral District Police Department in the Kyzylorda region stopped a vehicle on the highway and discovered unregistered firearms, a spotlight, two PUXIN walkie-talkies, and a rope in the back seat. The trailer of the SUV contained the carcasses of 19 saigas.

"A pre-trial investigation is underway regarding this incident. The court has sanctioned house arrest as a preventive measure for the suspects," police reported.

It was previously reported that a police officer and an acquaintance organized a mass shooting of a herd of saigas.