The Criminal Code of Kazakhstan is being amended to include a new article that will establish liability for the illegal provision of rewards. This amendment is part of the changes and additions to legislative acts concerning the fight against corruption, as reported by
Today, the Mazhilis is reviewing the bills "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Regarding the Fight Against Corruption" and "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses Regarding the Fight Against Corruption."
As stated by Ulan Sarkulov, the first deputy chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency, the changes and additions include amendments to the Law "On Operational-Search Activities."
"The amendments to the law allow for the conduct of special operational activities aimed at identifying cases of illegal reward acceptance when there are signs of extortion. Additionally, the Criminal Code will be supplemented by a new article 247-1, which establishes liability for the illegal provision of rewards," Sarkulov said during the Mazhilis session.
As noted by the first deputy chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency, this will allow for holding accountable not only those who accept but also those who give illegal rewards.
It was previously reported that Kazakhstan will introduce a public registry of corrupt individuals.