In Astana, young individuals were detained for performing extreme pranks in elevators.

In Astana, police apprehended pranksters for "gross violation of public order," reports, referencing
В Астане задержаны молодые люди, которые организовывали экстремальные пранки в лифтах.

In Astana, police apprehended pranksters for "gross violation of public order," reports citing

In the elevators of residential buildings, the young individuals staged a conflict, accompanied by the display of an object resembling a weapon, which frightened random bystanders.

In one of the videos circulated on social media, a citizen identified as G.A. and his accomplice simulated a verbal quarrel escalating into a physical confrontation.

During the staged scene, G.A. pulled out an object mimicking a gun and aimed it at the people in the elevator, creating a sense of real threat among them.

"Such actions could lead to irreversible consequences, including panic, deterioration of citizens' health, or aggressive reactions from bystanders," the police noted.

In connection with this incident, the prank's organizer has been detained and taken to the police station. An administrative case has been initiated against him for petty hooliganism, with his placement in a temporary detention room. The case materials have been forwarded to court.

The Astana Police Department warned that such unlawful actions, which destabilize public order, will be strictly suppressed. The police urged citizens to act responsibly, adhere to the law, and promptly inform the police about suspicious situations via hotline 102.
