Shavkat Rakhmonov's injury that led to the cancellation of his UFC title fight was explained by his coach.

Due to an injury, Shavkat Rakhmonov is currently unable to compete for the UFC championship title.
Тренер Шавката Рахмонова объяснил, откуда у бойца травма, которая привела к отмене поединка за титул UFC.

Eduard Bazrov, the coach of Kazakhstan UFC fighter Shavkat Rakhmonov, revealed details about the athlete's injury that prevented him from returning to the octagon in May, as reported by

According to the specialist, the injury that led to the cancellation of the fight with UFC champion American Belal Muhammad in May 2025 was sustained by Shavkat Rakhmonov during his December bout against Irish fighter Ian Garry.

“We were hoping to address it, and that it would heal. However, the treatment took longer than expected, as did his condition. We could have rehabilitated Shavkat's leg by that time (May 2025 — Ed.), but we must not forget that Ramadan is approaching. Therefore, he cannot undergo full training. This leaves only a month. Moreover, we would have to fly to Miami (traditionally, Kazakh fighters depart for the USA about a month to a month and a half before the fight — Ed.) to undergo the training process. But we want Shavkat's health to be fully restored before we focus on the title chase,” Bazrov said in an interview with the YouTube channel "MMA Herald."

Recall that Rakhmonov learned good news after the cancellation of the championship fight in the UFC.