The sacred month of Ramadan for Muslims in Kazakhstan will begin on March 1, 2025, as reported by Tengri Life.
When will Ramadan and fasting start
Ramadan is a time of spiritual purification, fasting, and prayer, during which Muslims seek to strengthen their faith by turning to spiritual life, charity, and self-awareness. The month lasts for 29-30 days, depending on the lunar calendar, and concludes with the holiday of Orazа Ait, which in 2025 falls on March 30.
Who is exempt from fasting during Ramadan
Pregnant and nursing women, the sick, the elderly, children under seven years old, as well as those who cannot fast for valid reasons, such as warriors and travelers, are exempt from fasting during Ramadan.
When is Qadr Night in Kazakhstan
One of the key days of the month of Ramadan is Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Decree, which, according to Islamic teaching, marks the day when the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of the Quran. In 2025, Laylat al-Qadr will be observed on the night of March 26 to 27. This is a particularly significant night when Muslims spend time in prayer and reflection, hoping for forgiveness and blessings from Allah.
What not to do during Ramadan
During Ramadan, fasting is observed, and those who fast must refrain from certain activities from dawn until sunset. Here are some important prohibitions during Ramadan.
- Food and drink. During daylight hours, Muslims refrain from eating and drinking.
- Smoking. Smoking is also considered a violation of fasting during the day in Ramadan.
- Negative actions. It is important to avoid negative actions such as lying, slander, swearing, and other harmful behaviors.
- Sexual relations. Abstaining from sexual relations with a partner during the day is part of the rules of Ramadan.
- Gossip and aggression. During this holy month, it is essential to avoid gossip, aggression, and other negative expressions.
- Vanity and idle chatter. Muslims are encouraged to refrain from ostentatious clothing, excessive pride, and pointless chatter.
- Excessive consumption. Avoid excessive eating and the pursuit of material goods. Follow the principles of self-control and moderation.
These prohibitions aim to strengthen spiritual experience and self-discipline during the month of Ramadan.
Those who do not fast are discouraged from openly eating or smoking during daylight hours.
What needs to be done before Ramadan begins
Intention - set your heart on performing good deeds.
Make a to-do list of activities you would like to engage in during the month of Ramadan. Include both obligatory and voluntary additional tasks to make it easier to accomplish your goals.
Before Ramadan begins, one should make up any missed fasts from the previous year, if applicable.
Preparation for Ramadan should also be physical, involving the avoidance of fried and spicy foods, coffee, and carbonated drinks, as they can negatively affect one's health.
To maximize benefits and rewards (or sawaab - God's mercy) during the month of Ramadan, one should acquire knowledge about the rules of Ramadan and understand its virtues.
After the fast ends, Muslims gather to celebrate Orazа Ait, which in 2025 falls on March 30.
When will Qurban Ait take place in Kazakhstan
Qurban Ait, another significant religious event, will take place from June 6 to 8, 2025. This holiday is associated with the sacrifice in memory of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to Allah's will. During Qurban Ait, Muslims traditionally sacrifice an animal, distributing the meat among family, friends, and those in need.
The DUMK emphasized that the dates of Islamic holidays may change depending on the actual sighting of the new moon.
"The start of the months of Hijra was established based on data from international astronomical research centers. Fatwa specialists warn that the exact dates of religious holidays may be postponed by one day or moved forward depending on the sighting of the new moon," the agency noted.
It is worth noting that this year there was a mix-up with the celebration of Qurban Ait. Initially, the DUMK announced that the holiday would fall on June 17, a Monday. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection planned a day off on Monday, giving Kazakhstanis the opportunity for a three-day break. Many had planned trips and various activities during this time.
However, ten days before the scheduled date, the DUMK changed the schedule and moved Qurban Ait to June 16, Sunday. The ministry subsequently canceled the day off on Monday, disappointing many citizens' plans. Minister of Labor Svetlana Zhakupova explained at the time that she understood the citizens' feelings but that rules are rules.