How have Dastan Satpaev's training sessions at "Kairat" evolved since signing with "Chelsea"?

A 16-year-old graduate and player of the Almaty football club "Kairat," Dastan Satpaev, remains with his home team.
Как изменились тренировки Дастана Сатпаева в "Кайрате" после подписания контракта с "Челси"?

16-year-old Dastan Satpaev, a graduate and player of the Almaty football club "Kairat," remains with his home team after signing a contract with the English Premier League club, London’s "Chelsea," as reported by

According to the head coach of the Almaty team, Rafael Urazbahtin, there are currently no practical changes in the training process for Dastan Satpaev, although there has been information circulating online about a coach from "Chelsea" arriving in Almaty to oversee Satpaev's training. It was also mentioned that decisions regarding Dastan's participation in specific matches for "Kairat" will only be made after approval from the English specialist.

Urazbahtin told "Karavan" that he does not yet know how this will play out in practice.

“I can’t say anything for now because the coach from 'Chelsea' is yet to arrive. For the time being, Dastan is training with our coaching staff and our specialists,” assured the head coach.

It is worth noting that Dastan Satpaev officially became a player of "Chelsea" in February 2025, but he will continue to play for "Kairat" until he turns 18. According to reports, his salary under the contract will be around 14,000 pounds per month, with 12,000 of that being transferred to his parents' account until he reaches the age of 22.