The case of Almas Kishkenbaev has been submitted to court: what consequences does he face?

The case involving the popular singer Almas Kishkenbaev will be examined by the specialized inter-district court for administrative offenses in Almaty, as reported by The court has officially accepted the case for proceedings.
Дело Алмаса Кишкенбаева передано в суд: какие последствия его ожидают?

The case involving the popular singer Almas Kishkenbaev will be reviewed by the specialized inter-district court for administrative offenses in Almaty, reports correspondent. The court has accepted the case for consideration.

"The court is currently handling a case of administrative offense against Almas Bexseitovich Kishkenbaev under part 1 of article 434 of the Administrative Code ('Minor hooliganism'). It was not possible to examine the case on January 31, 2025, due to an oral motion from the victim, the legal representative of the minor K., to postpone the hearing to another day for the purpose of reviewing the case," the information from the court office states.

The court session is scheduled for today, February 3.

Almas Kishkenbaev is charged under part 1 of article 434 of the Administrative Code ('Profanity in public places, offensive harassment of individuals, and other similar actions that express disrespect for others, violating public order and the tranquility of individuals'). He may face a fine of 20 MRP (78,640 tenge) or an administrative arrest for a period of five to 15 days.

Earlier, social media reports indicated that Almas Kishkenbaev was allegedly taken to the police. According to law enforcement agencies, this occurred "following a complaint from his father regarding harassment of his minor son."

Almas Kishkenbaev is known to Kazakhstanis as a pop singer, a star of the 2000s. He gained popularity after winning the first season of the Superstar KZ project in 2004.
