Police discovered a stolen vehicle in a parking lot in Shymkent.

Police in the Keles district of the Turkestan region have apprehended a 36-year-old man suspected of stealing an Audi vehicle valued at approximately 2 million tenge.
В Шымкенте полицейские обнаружили угнанный автомобиль, который был похищен с парковки.

The investigation revealed that due to a disagreement with his colleague, the suspect stole the victim's car from the parking lot and fled the scene.

"During the operational-search activities, the police found the stolen vehicle in the city of Shymkent and returned it to its rightful owner. Currently, a pre-trial investigation is underway regarding the man, and all circumstances are being clarified," police reported.

It was previously reported that three cars worth 90 million tenge were stolen from an Almaty resident.