According to information from the metropolitan prosecutor's office, the perpetrators were calling potential clients and offering investments in cryptocurrency. After the money was transferred to their crypto accounts, they would block calls from the victims.
"Sixty computers and other equipment were seized, on which software for anonymous calling via the internet was installed, using various GSM gateways and 'Sim-Box',” the prosecutor's office reported.
The law enforcement agencies also found notebooks in the suspects' office containing ready-made scripts that outlined the algorithm for interacting with clients—what to say, how to behave, and when to transfer a potential victim to a senior manager.
A pre-trial investigation into fraud has been initiated regarding this matter, and efforts are underway to identify the victims and assess the damages incurred.
The prosecutor's office urged Kazakhs to remain vigilant, avoid being swayed by dubious investment offers, and not to share their bank card details or access codes with strangers. If there is any information regarding the possible operation of such a call center, it should be reported to law enforcement agencies.
It was previously reported that a resident of the Akmolinsk region lost over 11 million tenge, becoming a victim of a fraudulent scheme related to a fake investment platform.