A businessman in northern Kazakhstan sold alcohol to underage individuals.

In the Ayirtausky district of the North Kazakhstan region, a store owner has been sentenced for selling an alcoholic beverage to a young man who was under the age of 21.
Предприниматель на севере Казахстана реализовывал алкоголь несовершеннолетним.

According to, the Ayyrtau District Court of the North Kazakhstan region reviewed a case of an administrative offense against K. for selling alcoholic products to an individual under the age of twenty-one (Article 200, Part 1 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

"K., as an individual entrepreneur holding a license for the storage and retail sale of alcoholic products, sold alcoholic beer to a buyer who was under the age of twenty-one. K. admitted his guilt, explaining that the store's seller sold the alcoholic beer without requesting age verification documents, relying on the buyer's appearance," the press service of the regional court reported.

The entrepreneur was found guilty and fined 157,280 tenge. The license for the storage and retail sale of alcoholic products was suspended for a period of one month.

According to subparagraph 1 of paragraph 4 of Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol and Alcohol Products" dated July 16, 1999, the retail sale of alcoholic products to individuals under the age of 21 is prohibited.

It was previously reported that drug laboratories were discovered in three regions of Kazakhstan.