The legendary ballet "The Nutcracker," directed by Yuri Grigorovich, will return to the stage of "Astana Opera."

Due to numerous requests from the audience, "Astana Opera" will present the legendary ballet "The Nutcracker" by P. Tchaikovsky, choreographed by Yuri Grigorovich, on February 21, 22, and 23, as reported by, citing the theater's press service.
Знаменитый балет «Щелкунчик» в интерпретации Юрия Григоровича вновь появится на сцене «Астана Опера».

In Kazakhstan, there are many productions of this renowned ballet, but Yuri Grigorovich's version is considered the benchmark. It remains a representation of high art that true classical aficionados aspire to. The ballet troupe of the "Astana Opera," led by the star of world ballet Altynai Asylmuratova, has long been celebrated for its professionalism not only within the country but also beyond its borders. It's no surprise that the company has been invited multiple times to perform this piece at the "Dubai Opera," where the show consistently receives enthusiastic acclaim from audiences.

Although the New Year holidays are now behind us, the interest of the Kazakh audience in this ballet continues to thrive. The set design and costumes, which recently returned from the warm Emirates, will once again adorn the stage of the capital's theater, providing viewers with the opportunity to extend the festive spirit.

The costumes and decorations, created by the outstanding theatrical designer Simon Virsaladze, bring a truly magical atmosphere to the production. Bright colors, intriguing details, and symbolism transform the performance into a genuine winter fairy tale.

Audiences will be able to enjoy the artistry of the soloists from "Astana Opera." On different days, the stage will feature Honored Artists of Kazakhstan Aigerim Beketaeva, Bakhtiyar Adamzhan, and Erkin Rakhmatullaev. Young performers—winners of international competitions Shugyla Adepkhan, Sofia Adilkhanova, Dias Kurmangazy, as well as corps de ballet artists—will also showcase their talents.

- This production is created in the best traditions of classical ballet, and perhaps that's why it is so beloved worldwide. Recent tours in Dubai provided us with experience and positive emotions; it was fascinating to observe how the audience in another country experiences and admires this story. However, returning home to perform it for the Kazakh audience is always particularly exciting—our audience feels with their hearts and may start applauding as soon as they are delighted by a particular scene, and that energizes the entire performance, - shared Sofia Adilkhanova.