The priority activities of the Jibek Joly SEZ will be expanded.

The draft document was published by the Ministry of Industry and Construction.
Приоритетные направления деятельности СЭЗ Jibek Joly будут расширены.

The expansion of activities in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Jibek Joly will stimulate the development of the Zhambyl region and strengthen international cooperation. This is stated in the press release from the Ministry of Industry and Construction regarding the draft order to expand the priority activities of the SEZ.

It is worth noting that during a working trip to the Zhambyl region on June 14, 2024, Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov mentioned that investors plan to launch the production of pig iron, steel, ferroalloys, and thin-sheet galvanized steel in the SEZ Jibek Joly. However, these projects do not fall under the priority activities of the SEZ and cannot benefit from incentives. As a result, the head of government instructed to expand this list. The draft document was published on June 17, 2024, but was later withdrawn. A new draft was published on the Open NPA portal on January 31, 2025.