The illegal operations of the subsidiaries of the Khorgos MCP have been halted.

Antitrust officials suggest putting them up for privatization.
Приостановлена незаконная работа дочерних компаний МЦПС Хоргос.

The Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition proposes to privatize LLP "Khorgos-Commerce," "Khorgos-Energo," and "Khorgos-Service," according to the business information center, citing the agency's press service.

As reported by the ARDC, the department of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition in the Zhetysu region identified violations of antimonopoly legislation by LLP "Khorgos-Commerce," "Khorgos-Energo," and "Khorgos-Service," which are subsidiaries of JSC "Management Company of the Special Economic Zone" MCTS "Khorgos." The agency stated that orders have been issued to cease activities that do not comply with the law regarding these companies.

LLP "Khorgos-Commerce" and "Khorgos-Service" challenged the order in court, but the judicial authorities upheld the demands of the antimonopoly agency as lawful. Following the court's ruling, the mentioned companies ceased operations in their previous format, the Agency noted.

"The antimonopoly authority has proposed to privatize these companies and transfer them to a competitive environment, which will allow them to continue operating under market conditions," the ARDC informs.

It was previously reported that, according to a ruling by the Supreme Court, the contract between LLP "Parking Space of Astana" and the city administration will be terminated.

"The Supreme Court upheld the findings of the Department of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition for the city of Astana (DAZRK) regarding the legality of involving LLP 'Parking Space of Astana' as a partner in the public-private partnership project for managing the parking space of the capital," the antimonopoly agency stated.

The Agency reminded that the investigation by the DAZRK to verify the legality of selecting a private partner was conducted in 2023.

"As a result, it was found that the Department of Transport and Development of Transport Infrastructure of Astana unlawfully granted advantages to the private partner – LLP 'Parking Space of Astana.' The city administration signed a public-private partnership agreement with this LLP in 2018 for the implementation of the project 'Creation, Operation, and Management of Paid Parking Space in Astana.' The findings of the investigation showed that during the tender, the department established qualification requirements that restricted other potential participants," the ARDC's information stated.