What key changes in public procurement took effect on January 1st?

The new regulations aim to streamline the tendering process.
Какие основные изменения в государственных закупках вступили в силу с 1 января?

The editorial team of reports on the key changes to the rules governing public procurement, which will take effect on January 1, 2025.

"As part of the improvement of the public procurement system, a new Law 'On Public Procurement' has been developed in Kazakhstan under the directive of the president, which comes into effect on January 1, 2025. This document aims to optimize the tendering procedures, enhance the quality of goods, works, and services procured, as well as support domestic producers," the government press service stated.


  1. The timeframes for conducting competitions have been shortened (discussion of tender documentation from 5 to 2 working days; acceptance of applications from 15 to 5 working days; review of applications and finalization from 10 to 3 working days);
  2. Public monitoring is being implemented for construction-related works. There are plans to make schedules of work execution and reports on contract fulfillment publicly available, as well as involve the public in monitoring contract execution;
  3. A new procedure for appealing procurement results is being introduced. To expedite procurement processes and eliminate delays, complaints will be considered by the procurement organizer themselves;
  4. For minor procurements, the right to source goods from a single supplier has been introduced for amounts up to 100 MRP and for works and services up to 500 MRP. For rural akimats, the threshold for single-source procurement has been increased from 3000 to 4000 MRP;
  5. To support small and medium-sized enterprises, a priority right to procure goods, works, and services not exceeding 50,000 MRP from this category of entities has been established;
  6. Efforts will continue to prioritize the procurement of domestically produced goods on the web portal by establishing exceptions to the national regime to support the internal market;
  7. To foster competition and protect businesses, applications from suppliers that are state institutions and entities of the quasi-public sector will be automatically rejected by the web portal if there are at least two applications from suppliers that are private enterprises;
  8. To promote non-price criteria and support local suppliers, the calculation of conditional discounts based on territorial criteria has been changed (from 1% to 2%) and negative values (from 0.1% to 0.2%).