What factors hinder the growth of the oil and fat industry?

Experts and market participants discussed this at the "Kaz Oil 2025" conference.
Что мешает развитию масложировой промышленности?

On February 13, an international conference titled "Kaz Oil 2025" took place in Astana, where participants discussed not only general market trends but also the regulation of trans fatty acids (TFA). Conference attendees explained that the Technical Regulation TR TS 024/2011 has been in effect since 2018, limiting the content of trans fatty acids to 2% in fat and oil products. Producers claim that this level can only be achieved by using palm oil. Current technologies for processing sunflower, rapeseed, and flax do not allow for the production of solid vegetable fats that meet the requirements of this technical regulation.

Market participants suggest looking at the experience of European countries. There, the 2% limit on trans fats applies only to final food products and not to ingredients. This means that producers can utilize fat processing technologies without compromising quality and competitiveness.

During the "Kaz Oil 2025" conference, it was noted that stricter requirements on TFA content could lead to an increase in the import of palm oil and other alternative ingredients. This, in turn, could negatively impact food security and reduce the competitiveness of local producers. It is also important to consider that other countries are actively promoting their producers in global markets, which could result in a larger volume of tropical oils .

Another factor highlighted by participants at "Kaz Oil 2025" is the correlation between the rising prices of margarines and palm oil. Following the introduction of restrictions on trans fats and the widespread shift to using palm oil from 2018 to 2024, retail prices for margarines increased nearly 2.1 times compared to the years 2011-2017.

Какие факторы сдерживают развитие масложировой отрасли  3734645 -

Entrepreneurs emphasize that the most appropriate path for our country is to develop deep processing of oilseeds. In this case, Kazakhstan will be able to provide itself with solid vegetable fats and reduce its dependence on palm oil imports.

The director of the oil and fat plant LLP "Maslo-Del," Natalia Nikolaevna Solokhina, presented the results of a study conducted by "Maslo-Del" in collaboration with LLP "Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry" and specialists from JSC "Almaty Technological University." The researchers assessed the safety of bakery and confectionery products made using margarines and specialized fats with TFA content ranging from 5% to 18%, obtained through the hydrogenation of sunflower and rapeseed oils.

The study results indicated that when such fats are used as raw materials, the level of trans fats in the finished products does not exceed the established norm of 2%. This confirms the safety of the products and calls into question the necessity of strict restrictions on TFA content in fat and oil products for industrial processing.

Therefore, producers believe that it is essential to exclude B2B sector products—margarines and specialized fats that are not consumed in their pure form—from the scope of TR TS 024/2011. This would remove restrictions on trans fat content for this category of products, support Kazakh producers engaged in deep processing of oilseed raw materials, and thereby significantly strengthen food security in Kazakhstan.

Participants of "Kaz Oil 2025" stress the need for dialogue between government structures, business, and the scientific community to develop a balanced approach to regulating the oil and fat industry. Optimal solutions should take into account both product safety requirements and the economic interests of domestic producers.